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Every space has a life of its own,and impacts us as we go about our lives. Our actions, energy and thoughts, as well as our physical well-being, are all profoundly influenced by our surroundings. The design, color scheme, textures, light, furnishings, accessories and placement of each item in our indoor environments impact our senses from moment to moment and shape how we feel about ourselves and others I created the EcoChi system which meticulously blends the powerful ancient and modern lessons of classical feng shui, green and sustainable living and environmental psychology to revolutionize how people feel when they are indoors. We spend about 99% of our time inside so it is easy to forget our connection to the outdoor world. Still, some of the happiest moments of our lives are spent outdoors. With EcoChi I bring nature’s elements into indoor spaces. The effects on the inhabitants are transformative and the added bonus
is that it is also great for the planet.

East Meets West

Eastern philosophies are based on awareness of nature as an endless cycle of transformations, rather than as a succession of unrelated phenomena. In Western culture, we name and categorize things and put them into boxes. Animals are in one box, the ocean in another, seasons in another, and human beings in yet another. This compartmentalization distances us from the reality that we are part of something much larger and grander than our daily lives. Look at the bigger picture. See the stars, the galaxies and observe how small our Earth is—a mere speck of dust in the vast horizon of space. When we accept our small part in the order of the universe, we are truly free to celebrate our place in the natural world. By shifting our perspective this way, we are able to see our planet for what it
truly is, a spiritual place, our mother, our temple and our ultimate home. I believe that this is where the solution to the environmental crisis lives. When
we love something this deeply we act responsibly to keep it safe—forever.

The Eco-Chi Circle

As an interwoven system, all three of the disciplines described earlier and briefly summarized below have been integrated into the EcoChi System. The purpose of this new design for living is to help you establish and materialize your goals, nurture your health, and bring you greater harmony and prosperity.

  • Classical Feng Shui is an ancient art form and system of purposefully arranging an environment so that it has a positive effect on the people who live or work there.
  • Green and Sustainable Living protects the environment and sustains its natural resources for today and for future generations by choosing environmentally friendly lifestyles and practices.
  • Environmental Psychology is an interdisciplinary science focused on the interplay between humans and their surrounding environments.
  • Healthy Choices is a bonus category that I added to this list, because optimal health is one of the core objectives of EcoChi.
  • Far eastern cultures believe that our minds, bodies and souls are intricately connected. The components of EcoChi are linked together in the same holistic manner.

Begin looking at this diagram at any point in the circle and you will see that the result is always the same—each sphere overlaps and influences the other. Each is strong enough to stand on its own, but together the whole creates an undeniable force, one that has the power to revolutionize the way we live.

by Debra Duneier as seen on

For more information about EcoChi and Feng Shui visit and

May is the perfect time for a spring cleaning; but have you heard of a space clearing? I am not talking about de-cluttering. That subject is for a different day…

Learning about space clearings was an unexpected part of my Feng Shui training. I had never heard of a space clearing before that. When I was informed that it was a required part of the curriculum, I was taken off guard. I thought, “What is this and how could it be helpful to my clients?” I learned that a space clearing is a method used to dissipate negative or stagnant energy (Chi). The intention of this ritual is to revitalize energy in a property while also raising the space’s vibratory level. Using a variety of techniques, this ritual allows for new beginnings and sets positive intentions for the home, office or other location.  The purpose is to refresh the energy in your indoor space. Although anyone can do a basic space clearing, I recommend calling in a professional after a stressful event, conflict, divorce, illness or death. It is also one way that I address the “Predecessor Law.” All of us have seen this kind of lingering bad luck. For example, a new restaurant or store opens and everyone knows that the new venture is doomed, because every business that opened there before had gone out of business. A space clearing is one of the many tools I use to remedy this situation. The clearing creates a clean palette and makes room for new energy. It can also be a cathartic ceremony as one releases the old to make room for the new. My methods variously include the use of music, incense, dance, pendulum techniques, song and sound.  Here are some simple things you can do to refresh your space and your life!

  1. Give your place an “air bath.” That’s right…open your windows and let the breeze embrace you and every room.
  2. Light a smudge stick (dried herbs wrapped together.)  You can usually purchase this in a store that sells organic foods. If there is a WholeFoods in your neighborhood they usually carry it.Once you light it move the smoke in a circular motion with intention: thoughts of clearing out old energy and making room for a fresh start.
  3. Ring a bell, musical instrument or hang wind chimes strategically in areas that feel stagnant-especially corners of the room and dark areas.
  4. Use a scented candle or incense to infuse your environment with fragrance.
  5. Place a small bowl of sea salt in every room. Once a day discard the salt in the bowl and fill it with fresh sea salt. Do this every day for 9 days.
  6. Play your favorite music. Push up the volume and sing, dance, swirl and twirl!

 As you celebrate this season of rebirth “good vibrations” will awaken your environment to endless possibilities!

Acoma Pueblo

Acoma Pueblo

In baseball when the man on first base runs toward second this is an attempt to steal the base. When the other team is unconcerned that the runner will advance to second base and does not try to get him out, this is called, “defensive indifference”.

Are you guilty of “defensive indifference” when it comes to your home? Are you just letting it “slide” when it comes to your living and working environments? Take control and make the right moves so you and your family can live a healthier, happier, and more harmonious life. Simple Eco-Friendly Feng Shui techniques can make a world of difference.

Today’s Element…AIR

Start today and feel the immediate results:

  1. Clean your air vents and wash air conditioner filters monthly.
  2. Ventilate your space by creating an “Air Bath”. Open the windows and plug in a fan!
  3. Make your home/office a Tobacco Smoke Free property.
  4. Music changes the air vibration in our homes. Play your favorite tunes for energy renewal.
  5. If energy feels stagnant, hang a pleasant sounding wind chime by a door or window. It will keep the air moving and is relaxing to listen to.
  6. Aromatherapy changes the scent of the air and boasts the energy in a room. Incense, scented candles, and potpourri can be a wake-up call to our senses and improve our moods.
  7. Bring nature indoors. Plants purify the air by naturally removing toxins.
  8. Use “people-friendly” cleaning products. Your environment should be a safe place to breathe.

Our civilization has changed dramatically. Today our feet are on cement instead of earth. We unknowingly eat genetically engineered foods, instead of natural garden fresh foods. We breathe pollution instead of fresh air. “Defensive indifference” has a place in baseball, but has no place in our homes and work places.

Debra Duneier, President

Living Home by Debra, LLC


Based on Feng Shui Principals


 1.    Wait until you are feeling strong, focused and happy. Light a candle and do some relaxation breathing. Think good thoughts and inhale. Imagine releasing that good thought into the room as you exhale.


2.    Sense if any areas in the room feel stale. Clap your hands several times in stagnant areas.


3.    Are there parts of the room that feel chaotic? Use a bell or gong to disperse energy in areas that feel chaotic.


4.    Energy flows very quickly near doorways and windows and often get congested. Use wind chimes as a way of slowing the energy down. Choose a sound that you find pleasant.


5.    Electromagnetic fields minimize your health and wellness. Move computer screens and televisions further away from you. Even a small difference in distance can make a big difference in your exposure. Pull plugs out of the outlets when you are not using them. Think of options to replace the use of some of the electric items you are using.


6.    You will feel unsettled when you sit in a corner. The energy moves very quickly in that kind of path. Soften the edge of a corner with plants. Rearrange your furniture so you are not sitting or sleeping in the corner of the room to avoid restlessness. 


7.    Best position for sitting is with your back against the wall. In feng shui the wall represents the black tortoise which protects. The front of your body will then face the red bird and you will be protected on the left with the dragon and right by the tiger.


8.    If  you cannot furnish with your chair to a wall, protect your back with a screen or tall plants.


9.    Remove unpleasant energy with sea salt. Put a bowl of water next to a bowl with a handful of salt. Be peaceful and move your hand over the salt gesturing that you are taking the bad energy out of it and putting it in the water. Do this 9 times. Spill the water out and place the bowl of salt in the room for cleansing. Change daily until the room feels fresh and peaceful.    


10. Purchase lavender and sage smudge stick. Light with a match and put the smoke throughout the room. Be sure to put the smoke around doorways, drawers, and electrical outlet. Feel the difference in the energy in the room as the smoke subsides.